Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the begining..... TINSEL

In my last posting i was really short of words because of the confidentiality clause i signed on the project i was working on but we have wrapped and now i can talk about it .

"Tinsel"... any time i hear the name i get shivers down my spine sometimes tears of joy run down my eyes. I had a wonderful experience on that project for some of you who do not know anything about the project let me quickly talk about where we are coming from .

Mnet Africa advertised for Daily Soap Opera stories to be sent in and this was opened only to Nigeria Producers and writers with the conditions of having a good setup (Company) . Three top producers in Nigeria by the names of Jaiye Ojo (Eastend AudioViz), Femi Odugbemi (Dvworx) and Lemmy Adegbule (Transafrica Media SA) collaborated to Pitch a story created by Yinka Ogun and voila the team won the pitch and Mnet swung into action .The Company that the trio came up with as the vehicle to drive the production is called "341 Media" and just so you know i was involved right from the day the discussion about the collaboration started and i take this to be a honour .

In February 2007, Mnet had to send 14 Nigerians nominated based on there experiences by 341 Media in collaboration with ITPAN(Independent Television Producers Association Of Nigeria) to the set of Egoli and Binnilanders in South Africa for one month as interns.By the time we came back to Nigeria first week in March, all the participant had a choice to be a part of the soapy and only about 7 of all eventually worked on the project "TINSEL" the reason is still not clear to me and one day they will have to explain to somebody why they took that decision, because some of us see it as a stab in the back.

Well the project went through its teething challenges so much that it almost went under towards the end of the year 2007. 

Although was one of the intern to South Africa to understudy how to Direct a Studio based Multicam saopy and to Box Produce (Content Producer) same but i did not get to do any of this.

A PPM was called after the holidays in January , Venue was the Conference room Mnet office in attendance members of 341 Media, GM Mnet,Tonye Falough, Yinka Ogun, Rogers Ofime,Horace Rayner and Mayowa Oluyeba. At this meeting i was told i will have to do the Scheduling and 1st AD contrary to my dreams and to what i went to understudy in SA at that point i wanted to turn it down but i did not and today i can proudy say that i can schedule soapy with the use of Movie Magic Scheduller (Software).  

Now i scheduled/1st AD on Tinsel and the Producers believe i am the only one fit for the job, i had to go online to study what it takes to be a good scheduler for soapy and trust me it is different for multi cam studio base shoot and very hectic too.

We rolled tape on the 13th March 2008, one year after the interns came back from South africa.

From then on it was a roller coaster ride.

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